Mission & Social Justice at Christ Church

Opportunities for us to live out the mission of Christ reach far beyond Sunday morning and far beyond Cambridge. Each of our mission/outreach activities has a powerful impact on those we serve, bringing us closer together. The Mission and Social Justice Committee is responsible for supporting Christ Church's justice ministries and managing the mission budget. You can learn more about ministry activities and programs on this web page. If you find one that appeals to you, please contact the church office to learn more and get connected. We hope to hear from you!

Creation Care Justice Team

The Creation Care Justice Team seeks to educate the CCC community about creation care, connect those who are doing this work, and coordinate action for climate and creation justice. Recent activities include lobbying for green space in Cambridge and hosting a Lenten education series on climate change. Visit our resource page HERE.

On The Rise

On the Rise is a day program that works with homeless and formerly homeless women who do not fit the requirements of other programs. On The Rise helps women meet basic nutritional, hygiene, and safety needs while also giving them flexible support to address issues related to trauma, addiction, mental and physical health, domestic and sexual violence, disabilities, immigration, legal problems, and poverty. Christ Church supports them with donations of clothing, hygiene items, and whatever is requested.

Racial Justice Group

The Racial Justice Group (RJG) came into being during the summer of 2020 following the murder of George Floyd. The RJG has five subgroups: sharing the truth about our past, racial justice education and training, researching CCC’s connections to the slave trade, partnerships, and policy advocacy. Recent activities include postcard writing campaigns to support the rights of disenfranchised voters in the South, participation in Sacred Ground (a curriculum of the Episcopal Church addressing racism using a spiritual lens), and partnering with other local organizations doing racial justice/reparations work.

Reparations Committee

The Reparations Committee is leading Christ Church Cambridge through examination of our parish’s complicity in centuries of slavery and racial injustice, with the aim of repairing harm inflicted by our congregation throughout its history. Guided by our Christian values, the committee moves in relationship at the speed of trust toward conversation and action with members of our parish, our Cambridge neighbors, partners in the diocese, other faith communities and beyond.  

Soup Chefs

The Soup Chefs gather monthly to make soup in our kitchen to bring to the Friday Cafe next door at First Church UCC.

Christ Church Thrift Shop

Christ Church operates a thrift shop on Farwell Place, behind the church, three days a week. The thrift shop is entirely run and staffed by volunteers. It offers inexpensive clothing and household items to students and anyone who is looking for a bargain. The Thrift Shop also coordinates with the Thursday Meals program and other church programs to provide clothing and shoes for those in need.

Harvard Square Meals Program

The Harvard Square Churches Meals Program, which has its home at Christ Church, has been serving a hot meal every Thursday to anyone in need for over 40 years. Its mission is to provide a nutritious meal in a hospitable environment to anyone who needs it. The Thursday meal is served at 5:00 PM in Christ Church’s parish hall. The marketplace opens at 4:30 PM. Volunteers are always welcome. For more information click HERE.

Resources for Those in Need

Do you need help or know someone who does? Not sure where to turn? Know that you are not alone. Here at Christ Church, we help our neighbors in times of need through our own programs and partnerships with other organizations. The city of Cambridge also has a wide variety of social services, so help is never far away. Download the resources document that we’ve compiled below.