Wherever you are on your journey with God or toward God, you are welcome here.
Welcome to Christ Church Cambridge!
In-Person Worship Every Sunday at
8:00 AM and 10:15 AM
during the program year (September - June, 9 AM during Summer)
Holy Eucharist Livestream: 10:15 AM
Online Worship
To join our livestream worship from the Church by clicking either of the links below. You can also view the service after it has streamed by clicking the YouTube link.
Be sure to download the bulletin and follow along!
Monday Contemplative Prayer
Contemplative Prayer is each Monday at 5:30 PM in the upstairs Chapel. We spend 20 mins in silent meditation, then share our experience in an informal and beginner-friendly atmosphere. On the first Monday of the month, there is a more in-depth teaching on Centering Prayer from Mother Kate.
Wednesday Lunch Bible Study
Bible Study meets on Wednesdays at noon (on zoom). Please email the office or sign up for the newsletter if you would like to join.
Please join us every Wednesday night from 7:30-7:45 PM for a brief Night Prayer service. It’s a wonderful opportunity to end your day in quiet prayer. Please contact the office for the zoom link or to be added to the weekly newsletter that goes out Wednesday morning.
Wednesday Night Prayers
A group of parishioners is gathering in-person and via Zoom on Thursday mornings at 8:30 AM to say Morning Prayer, Rite I, with inclusive language. Please contact the office for the zoom link or to be added to the weekly newsletter. To participate, you will either need a Book of Common Prayer (p.37), or you can find an online version here
Thursday Morning Prayers

To learn more about Missions and Social Justice teams, including the Racial Justice Group, Thrift Shop & Meal Program, please click HERE